Hello Eva,
The support here is provided in English and sorry to inform you that the instructions couldn't be provided in Russian.
It seems that you are using our AVG Antivirus free and to confirm whether it is blocking the app created by "Electronic Arts", we request you to disable AVG Antivirus free as mentioned in this article.
Once it is done, check whether the app is working fine. If yes, we can confirm that AVG Antivirus is the reason behind this.
If it is confirmed, you can add the app's location to AVG's exclusion as mentioned in this article and check the status.
Keep us posted.
Здравствуйте, меня зовут Ева. У меня возникла проблема с приложением "Origin" от Electronic Arts. В тех.поддержке компании мне сказали, что, возможно, AVG блокирует "Origin". Я попыталась отключить AVG для этого приложения, но у меня не получилось. Помогите пожалуйста добавить "Origin" в список исключений для AVG (???). Надеюсь, вы можете. Пришлите мне инструкцию на Русском языке, если вы можете. Спасибо!
Hello Eva,
The support here is provided in English and sorry to inform you that the instructions couldn't be provided in Russian.
It seems that you are using our AVG Antivirus free and to confirm whether it is blocking the app created by "Electronic Arts", we request you to disable AVG Antivirus free as mentioned in this article.
Once it is done, check whether the app is working fine. If yes, we can confirm that AVG Antivirus is the reason behind this.
If it is confirmed, you can add the app's location to AVG's exclusion as mentioned in this article and check the status.
Keep us posted.