Connect my PC to the new 2 year subscripti

Hello Yvonne,
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’re experiencing, and I truly appreciate the effort you’ve put into setting up your account. I understand how frustrating this must be, and I’m here to help.
We’ve sent detailed instructions for remote support assistance to your email. Please check your inbox, follow the steps provided, and let us know if you need any further guidance.
If you encounter any issues or have additional questions, don’t hesitate to get back to us. We’re here to ensure everything is set up properly for you.

I have registered for the 2 years subsciption yesterday 19/11/24 but on my account
I have a 0 zero for what is covered  How do I go about connecting up my PC
I am 85 and have done my best as to opening account etc but I am sure my
computer is not connected as it keeps asking me take out the premium
coverage when I go into a SCAN  Can you please help me  Yvonne

Hello Yvonne,
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’re experiencing, and I truly appreciate the effort you’ve put into setting up your account. I understand how frustrating this must be, and I’m here to help.
We’ve sent detailed instructions for remote support assistance to your email. Please check your inbox, follow the steps provided, and let us know if you need any further guidance.
If you encounter any issues or have additional questions, don’t hesitate to get back to us. We’re here to ensure everything is set up properly for you.