Hi Steve,
Appreciate your efforts in writing your query in English. We'e glad to look into this & help you.
Sometimes, this might happen if few firewall settings are not modified on your program.
You can try enabling few system rules (windows file & printer sharing, remote desktop connections) as mentioned In this article.
If issue persists, yon can try changing the network profile to private or public as mentioned here.
Please try the above step & let us know if it helps.
I want to connect my TV bluetooth to my PC with Windows 10 and 'AVG Internet Security' (paid version). I have to disable 'Enchanced Firewall' 'to succeed. Otherwise, the connection between the 2 fails!! Device message '' An error has occurred '' '' Cannot connect your device ''
Sorry, I am French speaking and have to translate everything.
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Je voudrais connecter ma TV bluetooth à mon PC avec Windows 10 et ''AVG Internet Sécurité'' (version payante). Je dois désactiver le ''Pare-feu amélioré'' pour réussir. Sans cela, la connexion entre les 2 échoue!! Message de périphérique ''Une erreur s'est produite'' ''Impossible de connecter votre appareil''
Désolé, je suis francophone et dois tout traduire.
Glad to know that your issue has been resolved.
Stay Safe!
Allow Windows file and printer sharing / Enable
Allow remote desktop connections to this computer / Enable
Network profiles / Public
The problem persists
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Permettre le partage de fichiers et imprimantes Windows / Activée
Permettre le bureau à distance à se connecter à cet ordinateur / Activée
Profils réseaux / Public
Le problème persiste