Consulta sobre el hackeo de mi sistema AVG Antitrack

Hello Silvio,

The support here is provided in English. However, we do provide the assistance in other languages like German (Deutsch), French (Français), Portuguese (Português do Brasil), Spanish (Español), Japanese (日本語) and Czech (Čeština).
If you are not able to understand the reply that we send here, then inform us through which one of the above mentioned language you would like to get the assistance.
We request you not to share the personal details on a public forum.
Do you mean that you need to activate AVG Anti-track product on your computer?
Estimados Señores
Un hacker me bloqueo el sistema pagado tres veces por mi persona AVG Antitrack, por favor quiero
restablecerlo en mi PC, por lo tanto les solicito ayuda. 
Les agradezco porque lo veo muy importante, en virtud del pirateo fue lo que me hicieron.

Silvio Solía Bassignana
(personal details removed)

Hello Silvio,

The support here is provided in English. However, we do provide the assistance in other languages like German (Deutsch), French (Français), Portuguese (Português do Brasil), Spanish (Español), Japanese (日本語) and Czech (Čeština).
If you are not able to understand the reply that we send here, then inform us through which one of the above mentioned language you would like to get the assistance.
We request you not to share the personal details on a public forum.
Do you mean that you need to activate AVG Anti-track product on your computer?