Couponxplore toolbar

Shouldn't AVG hacker protect me from COUPONXPLORER?  Upon computer scan I am queried to FIX?  Still here?

Hi Van,
CouponXplorer Toolbar is not a virus but causes many re directions and alters search results by adding commercial pages. It disturbs your activities on the Internet and it can also lead to rerouting to infected pages. If you haven’t downloaded CouponXplorer Toolbar by your self, it was probably installed together with some other applications that you were downloading from the Internet.
This way it is pretty hard to detect the adware as it is embedded in other legitimate installer.

I would request you to uninstall this search engine from your web browsers. And also, please right click on the desktop shortcuts of your web browsers, click on Properties, check the 'Target' field. It should be “C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” for IE and “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”  for Chrome. Please check and remove if any other text is added to this path.

Hi Van,
CouponXplorer Toolbar is not a virus but causes many re directions and alters search results by adding commercial pages. It disturbs your activities on the Internet and it can also lead to rerouting to infected pages. If you haven’t downloaded CouponXplorer Toolbar by your self, it was probably installed together with some other applications that you were downloading from the Internet.
This way it is pretty hard to detect the adware as it is embedded in other legitimate installer.

I would request you to uninstall this search engine from your web browsers. And also, please right click on the desktop shortcuts of your web browsers, click on Properties, check the 'Target' field. It should be “C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” for IE and “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe”  for Chrome. Please check and remove if any other text is added to this path.