Regina, For removal info have you 'googled' remove CryptoWall 2.0?..
No AV product is capable of providing you with 100% protection although AVG are always working 24/7.
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AVG Guru
First post didn't show me this place to explain my problem so will do it now.
My computer had been running slow and ads kept showing stuff I had looked at so I ran spybot and it found some stuff and after researching further I found I had something called conduit that was only found by a pay for scanner. I also looked at windows event log and saw what appeared to be something trying to access my files but timed out or something didn't respond (sorry I have looked at so much stuff to figure this out).
Anyway. I found 'INSTALL TOR' and 'DECRYPT_INSTRUCTION.HTML' and DECRYPT_INSTRUCTION.TXT all over my computer, even at the unused drives for memory cards and usb ports. I searched for install tor and manually deleted it because none of my other security stuff could see it. I then clicked on the DECRYPT to see what it was and it says it is one of the ransom viruses but doesnt give me any specific time and I can still open all my files. Can you help me get rid of this thing without paying a small fortune for removal. Bleeping computers has alot of info on it but thought I would find some here. I ran paid version of AVG 2 times and got nothing. What am I supposed to do about this thing?
Regina, For removal info have you 'googled' remove CryptoWall 2.0?..
No AV product is capable of providing you with 100% protection although AVG are always working 24/7.
Have a look @ these 2 articles…
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AVG Guru