CyberCapture getting in way of my work

Hello Keith,
Sorry to know that you have issues with CyberCapture and the application you have compiled.
We request you to refer the following link and add exception to these files.
Please submit this issue in the following link
Please get back to us if the issue persists.
Thank you.

I have a problem with this new CyberCapture.  As part of my work, I compile and run programs.  AVG is preventing any freshly compiled program, call it MyProg.exe, from running until it has scanned it.  While it does this it shows a “cartoon” of the scanning process that some people (not me) might like.
When developing a program I will typically be continuously going round the loop of editing source code, compiling to produce MyProg.exe, and then running MyProg.exe.  I cannot live with a 10-15s delay and a popup cartoon each time through.
Is there a way to disable CyberCapture or, perhaps, log MyProg.exe as trusted?  If there isn’t then I can no longer use AVG.

Hello Keith,
Sorry to know that you have issues with CyberCapture and the application you have compiled.
We request you to refer the following link and add exception to these files.
Please submit this issue in the following link
Please get back to us if the issue persists.
Thank you.