Data Safe to Sensitive Data Shield

Hi there I know it is a bit down the line. But I have just found an external hard drive that has AVGFV files and AVG no longer has a data safe so help please. Thanks Dave

Hello Katrina,
My apologies for the inconvenience caused. As you know that AVG data safe has been removed from our latest AVG Internet Security 18.4 version. However, we will help you to recover your data. I have sent you an email, please follow the email instruction to connect with us remotely.
Best regards,

After AVG Internet Security updated to version 18.4.3056, I can no longer access my Data Safe.  I understand that Data Safe has been replaced with Sensitive Data Shield.  From other support threads that I have read, I understand that there should be a link under Sensitive Data Shield to "Please review your file," but that is missing for me.  I will attach a screen shot.  I do know that the *.avgfv file exists and where it is located.  Any help would be appreciated.

Katrina, thank you for providing the screenshot. We need to do some troubleshooting steps to review your data safe files. So please follow the email steps to get connected with our remote team for further assistance.

Hello David, 

We can try retrieve your data stored in Data Safe. 

We request you to connect with us through live medium (chat) by clicking here ( We will do our best to resolve your issue. 

Thank you for your understanding.