Hello Tom,
We acknowledge your refund request.
The charges of 59.99 GBP is for the renewal of AVG Internet Security multi-device product whose initial purchase had auto-renewal service enabled.
We can assure you that we have not processed any unauthorized payments from your card or account. We sent an email notification 30 days prior to the expiration date and this contains information on the date of charge and a link to cancel this automatic renewal.
Do you still wish to receive a refund for this renewal?
£59.99 debited from my account on 18/4/19 - I wish to cancel any current subscriptions on my account and receive full refunds relating to them. I did not give approval for any payments to be taken from my account without my consent. I see that you have automatic rolling extensions but I did not approve/consent to accepting this process and so I wish to cancel all products attributed to me with immediate effect.
Hello Tom,
We acknowledge your refund request.
The charges of 59.99 GBP is for the renewal of AVG Internet Security multi-device product whose initial purchase had auto-renewal service enabled.
We can assure you that we have not processed any unauthorized payments from your card or account. We sent an email notification 30 days prior to the expiration date and this contains information on the date of charge and a link to cancel this automatic renewal.
Do you still wish to receive a refund for this renewal?