Deep scan on Mac on mounted volume

Jan, Did you resolve your issue with AVG?.
AVG Guru

I apologize for the delayed response. Please check whether option for scanning Time Machine in the AVG Antivirus >> Preferences >> Scanning is disabled or not.

Thank you for providing screenshot Jan,
I have escalated your case to our senior team. We will contact you, once we receive a reply.
Best regards,

In order to get the most recent log files, I started a deep scan again. To my surprise the scan did not go into the mounted volume this time. Don't know why, but it does not make sense to me to send the log files in this case. Maybe it is better to close the case? Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for the information, Jan. 

Could you share the screenshot of your AVG interface with this scanning option? 

Provide us your Mac OS version and AVG version.

Scanning a TM backups is not enabled. only scanning archives and PUA's are enabled.

When I start a Deep Scan on one of my iMacs, AVG also scans the Time machine Volume that is mounted on /Volume/iMac2. This is a mounted volume, located on another mac:

iMacBeni:bands root# df -h

Filesystem                                 Size   Used  Avail Capacity   iused      ifree %iused  Mounted on

/dev/disk1s2                              111Gi   39Gi   72Gi    35%    756589 4294210690    0%   /

devfs                                     184Ki  184Ki    0Bi   100%       637          0  100%   /dev

/dev/disk0s2                              931Gi  365Gi  566Gi    40%   1569947 4293397332    0%   /Volumes/Macintosh HD

map -hosts                                  0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%         0          0  100%   /net

map auto_home                               0Bi    0Bi    0Bi   100%         0          0  100%   /home

//tmuser@iMac1._smb._tcp.local./iMac2  2.7Ti  2.2Ti  499Gi    83% 300796462   65427914   82%   /Volumes/iMac2

The settings of AVG are so that this should not be done. 

How do I prevent AVG to scan this volume?

I appreciate your patience. I have sent an email to collect the diagnostic information regarding the issue. Please follow the email instruction and reply with required data. This will help us to escalate to senior team and they will contact you with a resolution as soon as possible.

In order to get the most recent log files, I started a deep scan again. To my surprise the scan did not go into the mounted volume this time. Don't know why, but it does not make sense to me to send the log files in this case. Maybe it is better to close the case? Sorry for the inconvenience.

I apologize for the delayed response. Please check whether option for scanning Time Machine in the AVG Antivirus >> Preferences >> Scanning is disabled or not.

Scanning a TM backups is not enabled. only scanning archives and PUA's are enabled.

No, you are the first person that replied.

Jan, thank you for updating the status to us.

I would request you to keep checking this issue and let us know if you experience this issue again.

Thank you for providing screenshot Jan,
I have escalated your case to our senior team. We will contact you, once we receive a reply.
Best regards,

Jan, Did you resolve your issue with AVG?.
AVG Guru