Deep scan running uncontrolled on Wake

Hi James.
We regret the inconvenience caused.
Please check if you have a scan scheduled. If the scan does not run at the scheduled time, it may start at the next startup.
Click this link for instructions to manage the scan settings.
You can find steps to delete a scheduled scan.

Not infrequently, when I open my laptop from sleep, AVG begins scanning. I have no scans scheduled, the UI tells me my last scan was ___ days ago (not now), there is no indication in the UI that a scan is running, but Resource Monitor tells me that aswEngSrv.exe and System (PID 4) are between themselves reading and writing to disc at a combined rate of 22 MB/second, writing and reading hundreds of files to C:\Windows\Temp_avg_\unp[random number].tmp for every zip file on the disc. For hours. I woke the machine at 0945 this morning, it is now 1400 and judging by alphabetical order it's about half done. My hard disc has been thrashing at 100% for over four hours, during which time it is almost impossible to use the machine for everything else; simply switching from one tab to another in my code editor takes 10 or 15 seconds. If I can't edit this task, I can't change the priority, I can't modify anything else about it, I can't pause it, I can't stop it. It is literally eating an entire workday scanning a file repository of which 90% of the files haven't been changed in over two years, every few days. How can I STOP THIS short of uninstalling the product?

Hi James.
We regret the inconvenience caused.
Please check if you have a scan scheduled. If the scan does not run at the scheduled time, it may start at the next startup.
Click this link for instructions to manage the scan settings.
You can find steps to delete a scheduled scan.

Sorry to have not noticed it, James.
I'd request you to uninstall and reinstall AVG Internet Security AVG Internet Security to verify this issue.