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Device Lost, Found Using Theft Service - does it mean that device still has battery power and is on?
I lost my device last night. I am able to locate it using the AVG theft service and I know it is in my house or the vicinity of my house. Or it could be at the bottom of my pond due to my small child.
If I'm able to locate the device, does that mean it is on, with a battery charge, meaning it is probably NOT in the pond? Or will device location still work if my phone is at the bottom of my pond?
I have a Samsung Galaxy S6, not S7. It is water resistant, not water proof. The bottom charging cover is broken. So, think that if the bottom charging cover is broken and water got inside, then the phone should be "off" with no ability to locate using the AVG Theft service.
Thoughts/advice? Please help. We tried calling the phone, no luck. We tried "shout" command, no luck. So I just don't know if the device is in the pond or elsewhere. Help.
I lost my device last night. I am able to locate it using the AVG theft service and I know it is in my house or the vicinity of my house. Or it could be at the bottom of my pond due to my small child.
If I'm able to locate the device, does that mean it is on, with a battery charge, meaning it is probably NOT in the pond? Or will device location still work if my phone is at the bottom of my pond?
I have a Samsung Galaxy S6, not S7. It is water resistant, not water proof. The bottom charging cover is broken. So, think that if the bottom charging cover is broken and water got inside, then the phone should be "off" with no ability to locate using the AVG Theft service.
Thoughts/advice? Please help. We tried calling the phone, no luck. We tried "shout" command, no luck. So I just don't know if the device is in the pond or elsewhere. Help.
Hello Ajay,
We request you to contact our Mobile team to get the exact answer for your query.
Please click on this link: https://support.avg.com/support_contact_form?l=&retUrl=support_sales .
Select the option as "YES" and the operating system as "ANDROID"
Fill in all of the details and at the bottom you will get the option to get "answer via email"
Once your request is submitted you will be getting the prompt answer via email from our mobile team.
We request you to contact our Mobile team to get the exact answer for your query.
Please click on this link: https://support.avg.com/support_contact_form?l=&retUrl=support_sales .
Select the option as "YES" and the operating system as "ANDROID"
Fill in all of the details and at the bottom you will get the option to get "answer via email"
Once your request is submitted you will be getting the prompt answer via email from our mobile team.