Francis, For the only recommended method to totally disable AVG see this article ( To disable individual AVG components see this article (
Sorry that I took so long to comment.
The above solution does not solve the problem. What I mean is to disable AVG for Windows Clean boot. If I use the temporary disable of AVG, it means that AVG has already been running on start-up. I wanted AVG to be not part of the start-up item. As of now, once I choose "Selective startup" on msconfig.exe, the above mentioned services will be running by default, even when I disabled them and did a restart.
I wonder how can I disable AVG services on System Configuration on Windows 7 machine? I try to disable it. After I clicked on apply, the AVGIDSAgent and AVG WatchDog service revert.
Sorry that I took so long to comment.
The above solution does not solve the problem. What I mean is to disable AVG for Windows Clean boot. If I use the temporary disable of AVG, it means that AVG has already been running on start-up. I wanted AVG to be not part of the start-up item. As of now, once I choose "Selective startup" on msconfig.exe, the above mentioned services will be running by default, even when I disabled them and did a restart.
Francis, For the only recommended method to totally disable AVG see this article ( To disable individual AVG components see this article (