Disable Windows Updates

Hello Rosalind,

I understand the inconvenience.
Please mention the name of operating system of your PC to assist further.

Thanks for replying; operating system is Windows 7

Have renewed AVG Driver Updater subscription. To install it, I am being asked to temporily disable Windows Updates(which at present is on Automatic updates.
Am unable to see/find out how to temporily disable the Windows Updates.
Help please

Thanks for replying; operating system is Windows 7
Thank you for providing operating system information.
You can try the steps mentioned in this website: https://www.wikihow.com/Turn-Off-Windows-Update-in-Windows-7 to turn off windows update on windows 7 operating system.

Hello Rosalind,

I understand the inconvenience.
Please mention the name of operating system of your PC to assist further.