Babette, Disabling Windows Defender (
AVG Guru
Thank you AVG Guru. Once I turn Windows Defender off, what is the next step? I have tried to repair AVG 2015 but it keeps coming up that there is a Firewall that is preventing the repair.
Got two important messages from my Windows 7 Action Centre to say that there was no security.
It offered two programmes - AVG 2015 which I paid for and installed in March 2015 and Windows
Defender. I clicked on Windows Defender by mistake and now all my AVG components have been disabled. What should I do to get AVG working again. I have tried to disable Windows Defender, tried to repair AVG and re-install it but nothing will work. Please can you help.
Hello Babette. I would request you to run AVG remover tool based on your OS (32-bit or 64-bit) to completely remove AVG and then re install. To determine whether your OS is a 32-bit or 64-bit, please click on this link. .
To download the remover tool, please click on this link: . Thank you.
To download the remover tool, please click on this link: . Thank you.
Thank you AVG Guru. Once I turn Windows Defender off, what is the next step? I have tried to repair AVG 2015 but it keeps coming up that there is a Firewall that is preventing the repair.
Babette, Disabling Windows Defender (
AVG Guru
AVG Guru