DRI AVG TECH Unwanted Payment

Hello Pauric,
It seems you have already contacted our chat support team and they have started the refund for AVG TuneUp - Unlimited automatic renewal.
Feel free to contact us again if you need any further assistance.

I checked my bank account yesterday and I was charged for a subscription service to "DRI AVG TECH" which I never purchased and from checking my account it appears I was charged for a 1 year subscription to AVG Tuneup Unlimited. I never requested this upgrade and would like to know about getting a refund.

Pauric, Also just for your info Digital River Ireland [DRI] (https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=32980892) provides eCommerce and payment services for AVG orders processed via AVG web/In App cart.
AVG Guru