Tisztelt DRIAVG Technologies!
2024. 12. 26-án engedélyem és beleegyezésem nélkül kártyafoglalás történt 14 990 HUF értékben az 519631*****1230 számú bankkártyámról. (Elfogadóhely azonosító:526567000231766)
Kérem, hogy a kártyafoglalást azonnal szíveskedjenek törölni, Önöktől a jövőben semmiféle szolgáltatást nem kívánok igénybe venni!
Üdvözlettel Mátyássy Gyula (oldmatyi@t-online.hu)
Dear all. I'd like to inform you that I didn't buy any AVG's products lat time, but you take from my card the bills twice: 219.99 PLN and 149.00 PLN. It's strange for me. Send my many back to my account. I always pay my obligations!!!
Hello Stanislaw,
Please accept our apologies. We'll certainly check & clarify these charge.
As it isn't advised to discuss personal/account related info here, we've sent you an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.
Hello Stanislaw,
Please accept our apologies. We'll certainly check & clarify these charge.
As it isn't advised to discuss personal/account related info here, we've sent you an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.