Duplication of Service/Payment

Hello Norma,

We're happy to help.
Your subscription details are listed below,
AVG AntiTrack (1 computer), valid until September 17, 2023; 
AVG BreachGuard (1 computer), valid until January 11, 2023; 
AVG TuneUp (Multi-Device) (10 devices), valid until April 30, 2022; 
AVG Driver Updater (3rd party) OLD/Do not create (1 computer), valid until May 25, 2022; 
AVG BreachGuard (1 computer), valid until July 14, 2022; 
AVG BreachGuard (1 computer), valid until August 11, 2023; 
AVG Passwords Protection (1 computer), valid until November 9, 2022; 
AVG Internet Security (Multi-Device) (10 devices), valid until November 20, 2022; 
AVG Internet Security (Multi-Device) (10 devices), valid until December 20, 2022; 
AVG TuneUp (Multi-Device) (10 devices), valid until December 20, 2022; 
AVG Secure VPN for Windows (1 computer), valid until January 21, 2023; 
AVG Secure VPN for Windows (1 computer), valid until February 28, 2023

You have duplicate subscriptions for AVG Secure VPN, AVG TuneUp, AVG Internet Security and AVG BreachGuard,  If you say, we'll merge your duplicate subscriptions into your original subscription with extended validity. So, your duplicate subscriptions will be canceled and you will no longer be charged for it.
Let us know how to proceed further. 

n checking my subscriptions I find that I have a duplication of AVG Internet Security and AVG Secure VPN for Windows.  There are two subscriptions for each service but different dates and payment method and the same Active Code for them both. 
How can I cancel the appropriate subscription but maintain the desired method of pament.

Thank you for the confirmation, Norma.

We've created a ticket on your behalf & forwarded it to our higher level of support. They'll merge your subscriptions & update the status via email.
Meanwhile, your patience is very much appreciated. Thanks!