E mail adresse ændring

Hello John, I apologize for not responding in your native language. I request you to contact our sales support team through the following link https://support.avg.com/support_sales?l=en_US to update your email address.

Thank you. Sreedevi, AVG Customer Care.

jeg kan ikke få min beskyttelse til at virke fordi jeg købte min beskyttelse mens jeg havde en anden e mail adresse end jeg har nu,så hvordan kan man skifte den så jeg ikke skal betale samme ting to gange  M.V.H.John jacobsen.

John, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
e mail address change
I can not get my protection to work because I bought my protection while I had another e mail address than I have now, so how can I change it so I do not have to pay the same thing twice
AVG Guru

Hello John, I apologize for not responding in your native language. I request you to contact our sales support team through the following link https://support.avg.com/support_sales?l=en_US to update your email address.

Thank you. Sreedevi, AVG Customer Care.