E-Mail Shield Broken on Latest Update

Hello Regan,

We regret for the inconvenience caused.

We would like to inform you that the issue reported is declared as Bug and we have a advanced fix for the issue.

Are you using the AVG Anti virus free version?
Thank you for the info, B Regan. 
Our developer's are working on a fix and provided a workaround solution to follow. Please contact our technical support team: https://support.avg.com/support_contact_form?l=en via online chat to assist you with it. 
The latest AVG AntiVirus version seems to have broken smtp e-mail scanning.  Outgoing e-mail from JavaMail is now blocked, though outgoing e-mail from Thunderbird goes through without issue.  The only solution I have found for now is to disable outgoing e-mail scanning.


1. With e-mail shield enabled, outgoing Thunderbird works; outgoing JavaMail does not.
2. Disable e-mail shield; outgoing JavaMail now works fine.
3. Re-enable e-mail shield: outgoing JavaMail is blocked again.
4. Originally used javax.mail.1.5.2.  Subsequently updated to the most recent javax.mail.1.6.2 with the same issues during testing above.

There also seems to be another minor issue with e-mail shield:

Unselecting the option "Scan outbound mail (SMTP)" has no effect until E-Mail Shield is disabled and then re-enabled.

Is there something I'm missing?

Thank you for the info, B Regan. 
Our developer's are working on a fix and provided a workaround solution to follow. Please contact our technical support team: https://support.avg.com/support_contact_form?l=en via online chat to assist you with it. 

Hello Regan,

We regret for the inconvenience caused.

We would like to inform you that the issue reported is declared as Bug and we have a advanced fix for the issue.

Are you using the AVG Anti virus free version?