Elimine Carpeta

OK thanks
It is a pity that they have nothing to recover from an error, but ask for it a second time before deleting it.
What makes me think about not renewing this application again after the subscription period ends

Hi Luis,

AVG support via community forum is available only in English. You can use translator (https://translate.google.com/) to review this message.
AVG TuneUp don't have an option to recover files deleted during the scan.
Let us know if you have further queries.

Borre sin verificar una carpeta con el TuneUp, y quería saber si es posible recuperar, si tiene alguna forma oculta la aplicación para poder recuperar, que no lo veo, o con algún software
Hi Luis,

AVG support via community forum is available only in English. You can use translator (https://translate.google.com/) to review this message.
AVG TuneUp don't have an option to recover files deleted during the scan.
Let us know if you have further queries.
Luis, AVG Tuneup will warn you before deleting a file or folder that it cannot be undone.
Could you let me know which feature did you use to delete the folder?
OK thanks
It is a pity that they have nothing to recover from an error, but ask for it a second time before deleting it.
What makes me think about not renewing this application again after the subscription period ends