Hello Miklos,
We acknowledge your subscription cancellation request.
AVG support through the Community channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( https://translate.google.com /) to translate this post.
We've sent you an email regarding your request. Please check and revert to us.
Thank you.
T.Cím! Előfizetésem év végén lejár, melyet ezúttal szeretnék lemondani, ezért kérem, hogy töröljenek előfizetőik névsorából.
Bp., 2021.09.24.
Bp., 2021.09.24.
Hello Miklos,
We acknowledge your subscription cancellation request.
AVG support through the Community channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( https://translate.google.com /) to translate this post.
We've sent you an email regarding your request. Please check and revert to us.
Thank you.