Hello Chris.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. This seems to be a conflict with SSL scanning. Could you please try disabling SSL in AVG settings?
1. Open AVG Geek settings as described at | AVG (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlName=AVG-Antivirus-Geek-Area&q=geek+settings&supportType=home).
2. Scroll down and locate Email Shield settings > Uncheck Scan SSL connections.
3. Check port settings in Geek area, it should correspond to your eM Client (see the attached screenshot).
So I have em Client running on Windows 10 and AVG free
Basically em Client cant connect to my email server unless I turn email shield off (or all AVG)
I have spoken to AVG whose position is that its an AVG problem.
Cant find any relevant stuff on the internet about making em CLient workwith AVG email shield turned on. And not prepared to trun it off as that defeats the purposeof having AVG in the first place.
Anybody any experience (or ideally) solutions to this?
Many thanks
Hello Chris.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. This seems to be a conflict with SSL scanning. Could you please try disabling SSL in AVG settings?
1. Open AVG Geek settings as described at | AVG (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlName=AVG-Antivirus-Geek-Area&q=geek+settings&supportType=home).
2. Scroll down and locate Email Shield settings > Uncheck Scan SSL connections.
3. Check port settings in Geek area, it should correspond to your eM Client (see the attached screenshot).