Email addres?I do not see the link on my AVG account page

Hi Leendert,

We will help you with the subscription.
The auto-renewal for your AVG TuneUp subscription was already cancelled. This is the reason why the option to unsubscribe isn't available in My Account.
The license will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal. You will be informed about the expiration of your license in time to purchase a license renewal before your AVG expires.
Let us know if you have further queries.

I like toUnsubscribe from a continuous AVG Tune up subscription
I do not see the link on my AVG account page
I like to send an email with this question

Hi Leendert,

We will help you with the subscription.
The auto-renewal for your AVG TuneUp subscription was already cancelled. This is the reason why the option to unsubscribe isn't available in My Account.
The license will not be renewed and no money will be taken from your account for the renewal. You will be informed about the expiration of your license in time to purchase a license renewal before your AVG expires.
Let us know if you have further queries.