Email address change


sorry to ask again, but my software should be on the verge of having to be paid for, so I tried finding "Chat with us" on the page you linked me. To no avail :frowning: I really can't find anything but phone numbers. Could you be more precise as to the place of the chat link?

Thank you,

Hello Fabio.
Thank you for contacting us. We would request you to contact our sales support team ( ) to update your registered email address with us. Thank you.

Hi, all done. You should put the chat link also on the italian page :slight_smile:

Hi all,

I have my AVG software registered with an email account that no longer exists. I logged into MyAccount today with my current email and it can't find any working subscription and I don't know how to tell it to switch my old things to the new account. Can anybody help me?
Thanks in advance,


thank you and Happy New Year. I just want to ask you one more thing: is it true I have to phone to UK or USA, as there is no email address or chat to contact support_sales?
Thank you again.

Hello Fabio.
Thank you for contacting us. We would request you to contact our sales support team ( ) to update your registered email address with us. Thank you.

Fabio, Scroll down the page & 'Chat with us online (' is near the bottom.
AVG Guru

Hello Fabio,
Thank you and wishing you a great and successful year.
You can contact our chat support online through the same link we have provided here.
You can find "Chat with us online" at the bottom of the page.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.