Email scanner for IMAP servers. AVG FAQ instructions do not work

I have the same problem with Outlook 2013 and would appreciate the same information

Hello Jim. Sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. I have sent you an email instruction to get in touch with our technical support team. Please follow those steps to contact them and they will be happy to assist you further.

Hello Jim. Sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. I have sent you an email instruction to get in touch with our technical support team. Please follow those steps to contact them and they will be happy to assist you further.

My email account now uses IMAP servers via, instead of POP servers.  Email client on local machine is Outlook 2013.  AVG instructions followed to letter as per article : - | AVG

AVG interface configured as per FAQ.  Email client configured as per FAQ.  Test send/receive -  failing to login to email servers.   AVG product is Internet security 2015 on Win 7 machine.  I'm having no joy, hence no protection.

I have the same problem with Outlook 2013 and would appreciate the same information