Erratic behaviour of Vista machine

Hello David,
We are sorry to know that. You can click on this link for the steps to uninstall AVG Once the AVG is completely removed, you can download and install the latest version of AVG AntiVirus free in your computer and that should fix the issue.
Thank you

I installed AVG free virus checker on my Windows Vista machine (Microsoft has turned it back on Vista). One or two programs no longer start up - they get as far as the opening "flash" and lock up, AVG Zen reports "Well this is embarrassing we've run into a problem". I can't get past this message.  The machine will not log off or close down without hitting the off switch. Assuming a faulty installation, I am trying to delete AVG to reinstall but the uninstall routine is grinding away endlessly.

The previous virus checker (Microsoft Essentials) was removed using the uninstall in windows b fore AVG was installed.

Hello David,
We are sorry to know that. You can click on this link for the steps to uninstall AVG Once the AVG is completely removed, you can download and install the latest version of AVG AntiVirus free in your computer and that should fix the issue.
Thank you