Same here. Temporarily disabling AVG kind of does the trick, it load the mails, but all attached files downloads show as failed, and won't go through. I did upgrade to 2015 just in case, to no avail.
We can't "just" disable temporarily several times a day, we're going to need a proper fix guys. As in, an update. Thanks in advance.
Hi there like many i have upgraded to Windows 10 , but i have a problem trying to use Mail with my Yahoo account , all info is correct , But i get error 0x80072726 every time i try to look or sync with the new Mail, Can anyone help me out please. I'm a novice so need step by step tutorial to fix, Thank You.
John W Cartwright
Hi John, I sincerely apologize for the difficulties you are currently experiencing. I have sent an e-mail to you, please use the and get connected with our Remote Team. Our Remote Technicians will connect to your PC remotely via Secure Connection and fix the issue quickly and effectively.
Hi there Thank you for your help , yes i agree disabling AVG every time no good , Ive been in contact and there going to get back , Fingers crossed with help , Cheers once again.
John C