Error (0x800CCCOF) : The connection to the server was interrupted. - just started

My email was working fine with SSL until a few weeks ago. Now, every time I try to send or receive email, I get the message: "Receiving reported error (0x800CCCOF) :  The connection to the server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server  administrator or Internet service provider"
When I turn off the SSL requirement, it works fine. With the SSL requirement on and AVG turned off, it works fine. What can I do?

Hello Jimmy,

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
We will check and help you with this issue.
Regrettably, with recent 22.7 & 22.8 Antivirus (Windows) updates, we encounter multiple issues with the Email Shield related to sending/receiving emails via 3rd party email clients (MS Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird…). The developers are investigating the incorrect behaviors.
We have sent you an email asking you to connect with our AVG free remote support and please reply to that email for further assistance.
Thank you.

Hello Jimmy,

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
We will check and help you with this issue.
Regrettably, with recent 22.7 & 22.8 Antivirus (Windows) updates, we encounter multiple issues with the Email Shield related to sending/receiving emails via 3rd party email clients (MS Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird…). The developers are investigating the incorrect behaviors.
We have sent you an email asking you to connect with our AVG free remote support and please reply to that email for further assistance.
Thank you.

Hello Helen,

I regret for the inconvenience caused. Please contact us by a separate post, so we can email you the steps to get connected with our advanced support.

I am encountering the same problem…  Please note that I am able to collect or send my email by temporarily disabling AVG. I guess I do not need to point out that this defeats the purpose of your software! Please send me the instructions for remote support. The version string is 22.8.3250 (build 22.8.7500.748).  I use The Bat! email client. I can (at considerable inconvenience) both receive and send email from the web mail interface of my ISP. Thank you.