If you mean this: Pentium III Professional Version xp, if not let me know.
Not sure what you mean by Windows XP SP2, or CPU SSE2, can you please explain? How can I check that to be certain what about you ask?
Unfortunately I had this same issue about a year ago, and I can't find the old solution. I tried updating AVG antivirus, and recieved this error: 0xc007001d. I tried also using AVG removal tool, restarting my computer and downloading the product again, only receiving the very same error. I even repaired the product, or so I thought it repaired prior to my attempt to remove it. I just need to redownload AVG antivirus on a 32 bit windows xp. As of now, I have no antivirus. Please help!
Frances, thank you for the information. Could you please let us know which CPU you are using?
I have SP3 on my computer.
Thanks for the reply, I'll be waiting for that e-mail. Just thought I'd let you know that your AVG removal tool doesn't work either for me. I even used the one that claims to be more aggressive from one of your other clients thread. I finally had to shred the files manually one by one. What a painful nuisance that was.
Hello Frances.
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. Is it a Windows XP SP2 operating system you are running? If so, your CPU must have SSE2 instruction set to install the latest version of AVG. Thank you.
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. Is it a Windows XP SP2 operating system you are running? If so, your CPU must have SSE2 instruction set to install the latest version of AVG. Thank you.
Hello Frances,
We understand how something like this can really try your patience.
I have sent you an email with further instructions to be followed to get our additional support.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.
If you mean this: Pentium III Professional Version xp, if not let me know.
Hello Frances.
Thank you for the information. We would like to inform you that SSE2 instructions set is not available on processor and AVG can not be installed on your computer. We would request you to upgrade your OS to later version. Thank you.
Thank you for the information. We would like to inform you that SSE2 instructions set is not available on processor and AVG can not be installed on your computer. We would request you to upgrade your OS to later version. Thank you.