Error 0xC0070643

I try to install AVG Internet security 64-bit. I get 
"Description: Event exec finished" error message as well.

Is there any other ways to contact AVG technical support?


I have purchased a new AVG licens, but when i install AVG i get an error: 0xC0070643.
How to solve the problem?

I do not have any other AVG programms installed.
Thank you sir everything worked, but now, it says my licens has expired. What can i do about that?
3) Your computer will be restarted automatically. After the restart, AVG Remover will finish the uninstallation.
NOTE: Once the AVG Remover Tool has done with its process. Please go to the C drive and look for a folder named as "AVG Remover" and I request you to delete it manually.

To download our AVG free antivirus program please use this link:
For 32 bit:
For 64 bit:

Please feel free to contact us should you need any assistance.

Hi Sergei,
Please use this link to contact technical team
Let us know if you face any issue.
Thank you

Is there any other ways to contact AVG technical support?

@Alan, Yeah you are right. That's the reason I always read the name of the user and then reply to them.

As i stated above, i can not access technical team, all i see is loading screen.

Your are welcome.
That looks weird, I have provided the link to download only the free version of AVG antivirus.
Are you sure that you have installed only the free version of AVG antivirus?
Do you have any other AVG program installed on your PC?