Error Code 0xc007041d

Hello Joyce,
We regret for the inconvenience. We would request you to uninstall AVG old traces using AVG Removal tool and then you can reinstall AVG program on your computer to resolve the issue.

Please click on the below link to run AVG remover tool : to completely uninstall your AVG program from your PC.
Once the AVG Remover Tool has done with its process. Please go to the C drive and look for a folder named as "AVG Remover" and I request you to delete it manually.

Once you are done with the remover tool please try installing the AVG program by clicking the following link:

Thank you.

I bought new downloand, it has been 5 hrs later and several retrys and still can not download.
Very sorry I went with AVG, I've purchase Norton prior and never had this problem.  Download
is $65. and AVG wants another $20. for downloand asst. which I refuse to pay.

Hello Joyce,
We regret for the inconvenience. We would request you to uninstall AVG old traces using AVG Removal tool and then you can reinstall AVG program on your computer to resolve the issue.

Please click on the below link to run AVG remover tool : to completely uninstall your AVG program from your PC.
Once the AVG Remover Tool has done with its process. Please go to the C drive and look for a folder named as "AVG Remover" and I request you to delete it manually.

Once you are done with the remover tool please try installing the AVG program by clicking the following link:

Thank you.