Error code: 0xC0070643

I have tried all the above, removing AVG using the links referenced, rebooting many times, Windows Defender not running, no other AV products and am STILL getting this error when installing. I've spent HOURS on this, please email me the fix to this issue!!!

I have attempted using the AVG Remover tool and restarting the process of installation for a few hours now all to be met with the same error code: 0xC0070643 over and over again.  I can not stay unprotected for an extended period of time.  The product has already been bought but can not be installed.

This is a problem.  Please assist with this inconvenience.

Thank you in advance.

Brand new computer with windows 10. Removed McAfee both through the windows app removal and the AVG McAfee removal tool. Also removed byte-something virus removal that came with the computer.

Tried to install AVG and remove it and install it… I don't know how many times.

Get this error every time:
Error code: 0xC0070643
Description: Event exec_finished

Please send me an email to fix error 0xc0070643 as I have tried everything in above threads


I need to reinstall AVG on old Vista laptop for my parents. Tried above suggestions which are not working. Please send email instructions to fix: Error Code 0xC0070643.

Thank you in advance.


Yep same problem here. Turned on my computer to be met with this mesage:
Hi, same issue here, about 60% through comes up with a 'MSVCP110.dll  is missing error' tried reinstalling and then at the end of the install I get the 0xC0070643 Error just like everyone else above. tried doing the removal tool 3 times and then reinstall and that hasnt worked.

Downloaded Avast for now.

AVG this is clearly a problem, and you clearly have got no idea why. you have basically told everyone to delete and reinstall. Basically the bog standard 'have you restarted your machine' routine.

Im assuming its got something to do with a widnows 10 update and its bugged your programme out. But why you cant just say that is beyond me. Please fix or i will demand a refund for my unused subscription and take avast up on their kind offer.

I'm installing AVG for a customer and am getting the same  c0070643 error.  Tried all of the above recommendation with no success.  Also tried manually removing all registry and file remnants of AVG after running the removal tool.  Would like further recommendations.

Followed instructions using AVG removal tool.  Reinstalled, same error.

Had AVG installed previously.


I keep getting this error too.  I've also tried to remove AVG completely and to reinstall but the same issue persists.  Please assist. Thanks!

Hello Thomas,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
We have sent you an email with further instructions to be followed to get our additional support.
Please check for the email on spam or junk folders if it is not present in the inbox.

Jorge, Try AVG Remover ( & then install again.
AVG Guru

I also just spent a few hours trying to solve this issue using the removal tool and reinstalling over and over again. No luck. Please help.

Hi, I'm having some trouble installing my new antivirus AVG 2016 and i keep having the same error.

Error code: 0xC0070643 Description: Event exec_finished

Please help.


Hello Karen,
We appreciate your valuable effort in trying to fix it.
To activate Windows defender, click on start and type "Windows Defender" and open it. It will prompt you to enable it. Once it has been done your windows defender will be active.
Feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.

please send email instructions to fix: Error Code 0xC0070643

I have attempted using the AVG Remover tool and restarting the process of installation for a few hours now all to be met with the same error code: 0xC0070643 over and over again.  I can not stay unprotected for an extended period of time.  The product has already been bought but can not be installed.

This is a problem.  Please assist with this inconvenience.

Thank you in advance.

Hello Mathew,
Since you have tried with all basic steps, we have sent you an email containing the instructions to have a better assistance in fixing the issue. Please feel free to contact us for further assistance.
I'm installing AVG for a customer and am getting the same  c0070643 error.  Tried all of the above recommendation with no success.  Also tried manually removing all registry and file remnants of AVG after running the removal tool.  Would like further recommendations.

On my new laptop I installed AVG Free first to give internet security, whilst I transferred my licensed product (AVG Internet Security and AVG Tune-up)
My full product won't load while AVG free is installed.

Hello Neil,
We certainly understand your concern.
We have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them and you should be able to resolve your issue.
Please feel free to get back to us for further assistance.
Thank you.