Error code 0xe001d029 when installing AVG Zen

Same problem here… i have 1 GB free on C:\

Uhmmm…what can I say?
The issue is, if U cannot provide Free antivirus without loading TONS of spyware into us poor folks' old computers, then we have little choice but to go buy Norton, Kaspersky or something that does not HOG all our limited resources.
I will NOT purchase AVG if you cannot guarantee minimum resource useage.

Hello John,
We apologize, have you installed AVG program on your system?
Thank you.

Hello John,
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. Could you please let us know how much is the free space available on your C drive? The reason for this error code is there is no enough space on the C: drive for performing the installation. Please try free up more space on the C: drive and then try to install AVG again. Thank you.

Trying to install AVG Zen
-Fed up with issues with Avast on older slow computer (XP Pro) eating up 2 much resources, slow bootup, slow Firefox bootup, too much network activity when firefox opened, no virus or spyware found with multiple searches.
-Did restore to earlier period. turned off Avast items that worked as spyware. Computer worked fine for one day until Avast did update. Then everything messed. Avast Repair fails. Could not complete restore.
-Uninstalled Avast. Downloaded AVG. Can not complete installation. Error code 0xe001d029 at end of installation.

Please help

Same problem here… i have 1 GB free on C:\

Hello John,
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. Could you please let us know how much is the free space available on your C drive? The reason for this error code is there is no enough space on the C: drive for performing the installation. Please try free up more space on the C: drive and then try to install AVG again. Thank you.

Hello John,
We apologize, have you installed AVG program on your system?
Thank you.

Uhmmm…what can I say?
The issue is, if U cannot provide Free antivirus without loading TONS of spyware into us poor folks' old computers, then we have little choice but to go buy Norton, Kaspersky or something that does not HOG all our limited resources.
I will NOT purchase AVG if you cannot guarantee minimum resource useage.

@ John Streder
John, Did you download & use the Avast total removal tool (
AVG Guru

Thanks AVG Support Team for your prompt answer. I moved some big files off and install proceded well.
-AVG free boots much better than Avast free. Avast is a greedy pig demanding primary computer attention while downloading updates &adverts. Had to walk away f/computer for 5 minutes as Avast updated.
-Disapointment: AVG uses even MORE memory than Avast. I have 1 GB RAM on Win XP Pro. With Avast booted, I had 600MB RAM remaining. With AVG, it boots with 400MB and after 10 minutes there is 500MB free.  Both systems also running Spybot.
-That means, opening Firefox leaves me with just over 200MB RAM free. Open a few tabs–>issues!
-Like what is going on? Is there an bug issue, or is all software now Hog-sized? Scans cleaned only old stuff out of ancient files; no virises. Spybot finds nothing.