Error code 0xe001f921

Good afternoon,

I have the free AVG Protection, and have error code 0xe001f921, I have done a  complete scan but I still have the error code. The Antivirus Zen scan is continuously updating. The problem has been ongoing for a couple of days. I would like to uninstall AVG program and look to re-install, but I am unable to do this whilst I have the error code.

Can any one help.

Many thanks


We apologize for the difficulties. We request you to restart your device and then uninstall your AVG as suggested here: After reboot, try to reinstall your AVG free version from our official website: Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance. Thank you.

We apologize for the difficulties. We request you to restart your device and then uninstall your AVG as suggested here: After reboot, try to reinstall your AVG free version from our official website: Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance. Thank you.

Pleased to see that you appear to be sorted now. Thanks for returning to the Community & posting. We appreciate all your efforts and patience. Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance. We work round the clock, thank you!

Thank you for the prompt reply, I followed the link and the problem has been resloved.
