Jeff, Did you download & run the Norton removal tool (
AVG Guru
Thanks for your suggestion Alan. Yes I did use the Norton Removal Tool prior to this istuation. It did not help.
in my message above i said error code 2003 it is actually error code 2203
I uninstalled AVG INternet Security paid version to try another product (NIS) didnt like it so I uninstalled NIS and now I am unable to reistall AVG. I get error code 2003. I tried both compatibility mode and installing as administrator with no luck. Any suggestions? Thank you!
Thanks for your suggestion Alan. Yes I did use the Norton Removal Tool prior to this istuation. It did not help.
in my message above i said error code 2003 it is actually error code 2203
Thank you for your kind reply. Sure, please connect us via chat using the following link if you run into any snags : Internet Security . We are available round the clock.
Jeff, Did you download & run the Norton removal tool (
AVG Guru
AVG Guru