Hello Ken.
We certainly understand your concern. We have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them and you should be able to resolve your issue. Thank you.
Like multiple other users I get the above error code when trying to instal free AVG protection on my new HP laptop. I used the program before and was very happy with it. Installing Windows 10 "killed" my old computer and so I have been trying to instal AVG again on my new one.
I have used the AVG uninstaller program as suggested in some of your above answers but that didn't completely remove the remnants of my failed attempt initially to instal (The link was still on my desk top and it still showed the 4 section front page when activated. So I used the normal uninstal program as well which seemed to clear it out.
However the above error code resulted again when I tried again to download AVG free protection.
What do I do next please?
(I am surprised and disappointed to see so many subscribers still getting the same problem. It shakes my faith in the validity of the program or your services. Haven't you yet sorted out what appears to be a common problem?)
Incidentally I don't know if I will get a personal message by email in response to the above or will your response just appear on your web site -which I just have to find?
Ken Baugh
Hello Ken.
We certainly understand your concern. We have sent you an email instruction to get connected with our technical support team. Please follow those instructions to get in touch with them and you should be able to resolve your issue. Thank you.