Error oxco150004 /

Hello, greetings from AVG.
Please refrain from posting multiple queries regarding same issue to speed up the resolution.
We'd request you to make sure AVG PC TuneUp is not installed on your PC and then try the installation of latest version.
If the issue persists, please share a screenshot of the error.


when install avg pc tuneup last verian

error   oxco150004  /

my windows 10 pro 64 bit

please help me
Hello, greetings from AVG.
Please refrain from posting multiple queries regarding same issue to speed up the resolution.
We'd request you to make sure AVG PC TuneUp is not installed on your PC and then try the installation of latest version.
If the issue persists, please share a screenshot of the error.

This isn't the experience we want you to have, Jack. 
We've sent you an email requesting the subscription info. If you reconsider, please revert to us via it. This will help us to locate the subscription & suggest you the appropriate support channel to sort this in a timely manner.
Thank you for your understanding in advance!