Hello Rick. Sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. Do you use any proxy settings in your internet connection? If so, please disable it and try updating AVG. I also recommend you to disable or uninstall any third party firewall from your computer and then try updating. Thank you.
Hello all:
I seem to have the same issue with my Windows OS = Vista Home 32-bit. I did the uninstall, then reinstall using control panel, but still have the same problem as Rick F.
Bob R.
I have also same problem as above. Had no problem earlier until mid june 2015, AVG has to rectify in their update system. My OS is XP.
For Alan and Avinash,
Thanks again for the assistance, frustration is wanting to take over but I am fighting the urge.
Alan, yes great suggestions, I did download the 32bit unInstaller and the 32bit free edition.
Cold booted, ran uninstaller, it ran before and after the reboot. Then installed 32bit free edition,
all looked good BUT I still get the same error that the update server couldn't be connected.
yet I am online surfing and emailing as normal. So back to Square One.
Avinash, No proxy is being used. No third party firewall either. Simply winXP firewall only.
Nothing unusual as a setup. No issue for years using this pc with surfing, email, updating AVG,
until today. AVG update servers are not connecting, So back to Square One as well.
I have followed and executed all suggestions given so far.
Thanks again for all the help. I use to say I would rather have a bottle in front of me
than a frontal labotomy… but today may be an exception…
Keeping the Faith for a successful update server connection so I can
get on with my day.
Been a fan for years with no issues when updating free edition.
Today, tried to update as I do often, and I get the error message
"couldn't reach our update server please check connection and try again".
I am definately online as I am able to surf and do emails, yet I kept
getting the above error message even after multiple tries of repairing,
uninstalling, downloading most current version from cnet as instructed,
including cold boots between actions to ensure clean installs and yet
after 5 complete re-installs , I am at a loss of what I can do other than
seach avg community for the quoted error and found nothing showing
exact error. Which brings me to creating an account and creating this
post to request help from anyone who has knowledge of the issue and
of course a fix. Would love to continue using and recommending AVG
rather than choose an alternative, but, I will do what I have to do if given
no other choices. Thanks again community for any help on this issue.
At a loss,
This issue seems to be connected to Windows XP SP2 for help please try install Service pack 3 (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/help/learn-how-to-install-windows-xp-service-pack-3-sp3).
Thanks again for the assistance, frustration is wanting to take over but I am fighting the urge.
Alan, yes great suggestions, I did download the 32bit unInstaller and the 32bit free edition.
Cold booted, ran uninstaller, it ran before and after the reboot. Then installed 32bit free edition,
all looked good BUT I still get the same error that the update server couldn't be connected.
yet I am online surfing and emailing as normal. So back to Square One.
Avinash, No proxy is being used. No third party firewall either. Simply winXP firewall only.
Nothing unusual as a setup. No issue for years using this pc with surfing, email, updating AVG,
until today. AVG update servers are not connecting, So back to Square One as well.
I have followed and executed all suggestions given so far.
Thanks again for all the help. I use to say I would rather have a bottle in front of me
than a frontal labotomy....... but today may be an exception....
Keeping the Faith for a successful update server connection so I can
get on with my day.
Bob, Have you tried this?.. Have a look @ this article (http://avgclick.me/UpdateAVG) [B. Updating AVG offline (from a local directory)].
AVG Guru
Still no luck in getting success with server connection (I am obviously online or I would not be able to
create the support ticket or this additional info regarding my update server issue) I did everything suggested in the article answer given to Shady.
Alan Binch | AVG Guru
Shady, Have a look @ this official AVG article (http://avgclick.me/1zQ8EiR). AVG Guru
and the link associated with the below paragraph at the end of Mr. Binch's answer/reply
If you are still not able to download updates, you might need to verify your internet connection.
Pleaese follow the steps in the article Message: 'The connection with update server has failed' to
troubleshoot connectivity issues.
So, still "at a loss" on what to do.
Thanks for any assistance in this matter.
I have also same problem as above. Had no problem earlier until mid june 2015, AVG has to rectify in their update system. My OS is XP.
Rick, thank you for trying all the suggestions and I appreciate your patience. Please follow these steps to send us diagnostic information from your computer. This information will allow us to analyze the situation and provide you with a solution:
Click on this link http://www.avg.com/filedir/util/AVG_SysInfo.exe to download the AVG SysInfo tool.
Run the downloaded tool.
Click Continue to agree with AVG’s license agreement and privacy policy. AVG SysInfo will now gather the data.
Once the diagnostic output is ready, you may add comments, or click Attach file or Screenshot to provide us with extra information.
Fill in your email address, and then click Send output.
We will analyze the received files and provide you with further information.
Thank you.
Hello all:
I seem to have the same issue with my Windows OS = Vista Home 32-bit. I did the uninstall, then reinstall using control panel, but still have the same problem as Rick F.
Bob R.