Error when installing Avg

Hello John.
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. We would request you to run the AVG remover tool to remove all the remnants of the failed installation as described below. After you run the remover tool successfully, please download and install AVG again.
To run remover tool, please visit and click on "AVG Remover" to download the remover tool and run it on your PC. It will ask you to select which product you would like to uninstall. Please select "AVG Protection" and follow the setup instructions to uninstall AVG. Thank you.

I tried to install Avg protection on my laptop and got the following Error Text:
Fejlkode: 0xC0070643
Beskrivelse: Event exec_finished

What do I do now ??
John Kurt Petersen.
Hello John.
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. We would request you to run the AVG remover tool to remove all the remnants of the failed installation as described below. After you run the remover tool successfully, please download and install AVG again.
To run remover tool, please visit and click on "AVG Remover" to download the remover tool and run it on your PC. It will ask you to select which product you would like to uninstall. Please select "AVG Protection" and follow the setup instructions to uninstall AVG. Thank you.