Error while avg free installation error 0xe001d012

Hello Ramzan,
We appreciate your valuable effort in trying to fix it.
Could you please let us know the whether you are trying to install the paid or trial version of AVG Zen in your pc. Please be informed that the trial version can be installed only once in single pc and it cannot be installed back. Also let us know the exact error message and error code you received, so that we are happy to assist you better.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.

Hello Ramzan,
We understand how something like this can really try your patience.
Could you let us know whether you have installed any other AVG product or any other 3rd party antivirus product before in your pc? so that we are happy to assist you better.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.


I am getting error 0xe001d012 while installation of avg protection free edition on windows 7- 32bit. Can any body help/guide me for this.  
Hello Ramzan,
We understand how something like this can really try your patience.
Could you let us know whether you have installed any other AVG product or any other 3rd party antivirus product before in your pc? so that we are happy to assist you better.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.
Dear Aravind, Thanks
Before I had old version of AVG, I just unistalled the previous one and want to install Avg Zen but getting said error. Even though I removed avg-remover folder from C: