Errors while trying to update

Hi Norm,
We're really sorry to hear that you're unable to run the AVG 1-click maintenance. We suggest you to repair your AVG PC TuneUp and check once. If issue persists, please attach us the screenshot of the error message.
Thank you!

Seems whenever I try to update AVG 1-click maintenance or tuneup it says I am not connected to the Internet however I am.  Also it say I do not have any antivirus software installed (AVG antivirus is installed).  I can not contact tech support as they do not answer or never call back.  Any ideas on how to fix this?  My wife just wants me to dump AVG products and use the products she uses which I will probably do as I am installing a new computer.
  1. Under "networking" tab, look for the item under the middle box, named  as "InternetProtocolversion(TCP/IPV4)".
    7. Click on this IPV4, it will enable its properties on the bottom right corner.
    8. Click on "properties".
    9. Now, enable(tick) the option named "use the following DNS address".
    10.We need to enter the below numbers on that IP address, do you see a box with 4 .(dots)?
    11. Type 8 before the first dot(.) and press the right arrow key on keyboard.
    12. Again enter 8 for three time as you did above.
    13. Next, on the second box, type 8 for two times and then 4 for two times.
    14. Click OK to apply this.
    15. Now, try to repair or update AVG program.

    We are here if you need further assistance.

Norm, If applicable… For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. 
AVG Guru

Sorry for the confusion, AVG Antivirus doesn't include Firewall protection and AVG PC Tuneup will notify the same. Provide us the screenshot of AVG PC Tuneup interface where it shows that you don't have any Antivirus installed. Repair option will helps you to remove the corrupted files and reinstall all the updated files.

You can follow the below steps to fix the issue.

1. Please press windows button and "R "key on keyboard, it will open a run command box.
2. Now type "  ncpa.cpl   " on that run command which is open and click OK.
3. Select the network one which is currently active(have green color symbol) ,  right click on that and select "properties".
4.It will open a network properties dialog box.
5.You will get two tabs, named "networking" and "sharing".

Hi Norm,
We're really sorry to hear that you're unable to run the AVG 1-click maintenance. We suggest you to repair your AVG PC TuneUp and check once. If issue persists, please attach us the screenshot of the error message.
Thank you!