Estimate number for spam


Do you mean your email is blocking and marked as Spam on your friends device? We do not have recommended number to block emails, Antispam feature will move the spam email to spam folder or  mark them with spam option.  Make sure that they haven't blocked your email domain on Blacklist.
Hi, can you tell me, please, how does estimate and recommendation number for spam works ? Now my number figures in the aplication of my friend, but I don't know why ? It is unacceptable for other friends and colleagues to offer blocking.
Thank you for the screenshot.
It did help us to understand the situation.
A specific number is marked as “high volume caller” when multiple AVG users received calls from same number. This is something similar to spam controller for incoming calls. You will have option to add or dismiss the contact in the same notification window.
Once it is said as "not a spam" the prompt for the same number will not appear.
If it is chosen as "Spam" the call from the particular number will be blocked.
On screen you see:
"Very frequent callers."
"Blocking this number will also report it as SPAM to AVG."
Now you can choose: "This i not SPAM" or "Block it."Android AVG

Thanks for the explanation.


Do you mean your email is blocking and marked as Spam on your friends device? We do not have recommended number to block emails, Antispam feature will move the spam email to spam folder or  mark them with spam option.  Make sure that they haven't blocked your email domain on Blacklist.

My number is therefore offered as a possible spam to my colleague and friend. My friend does not mark me as a SPAM and then stops showing my colleague as possible spam ? And when this message appears to a friend, does it begin to appear to other and other colleagues ? If I ever marked anyone as SPAM, can anyone denounce me as SPAM ?