I was going to uninstall the AVG_Free and it caused the same problem (0xC0070643 Description: Event exec finished error). The mantioned tool doesnt work. What should I do?
I was going to uninstall the AVG_Free and it caused the same problem (0xC0070643 Description: Event exec finished error). The mantioned tool doesnt work. What should I do?
I have the same problem as everyone else in the messages above, for a change.
I have no other antivirus installed and already uninstalled AVG with the remover tool. Did you find a solution for this problem? Thank you.
You guyz really need to come up with a solution for this problem.
I had to reset my computer yesterday and when trying to install AVG i get the same error as everyone else:
Error code: 0xC0070643
Description: Event exec_finished
All I see is page after page with people having this problem but no valid solution.
I have also tried to run the removal tool (x64) but no success!
Thank you for responding.
AVG free version is what I am trying to install. I have successfully had previous free version of AVG on my computer; uninstalled it as it said my registration code was no longer valid. Began trying to install new AVG free version, and kept getting error message: Event exec finished. I believe the code was 0xc007063. To my knowledge, there is not another anti virus on my computer.
Thanks for assistance.
Thank you. I downloaded the 64 bit offline installer, and received another inital error, as download for AVG free antivirus failed again. The error message:0xc0070643
Is this any way to get this installed on my computure? I have successfully used it for years, and would like to continue.
Thanks for your help.
i have the same problem i used avg removal tool but didn't resolve the problem so if you have any solution i would glad to hear it.
Description: Event exec_finished
thank you
I'd like to join the conversation because I have the same problem - instalation failure, error "Event exec_finished"
I've been trying:
- installing once again
- installing once again after using AVG remover tool
- installing full offline version
I've currently no other anti-virus software installed on computer.
Sorry - same problem here. But it is on a PC (HP Pavilion) which came with a McAfee trial license, which I have removed before installing AVG Free. This might provide you with a clue …
I've had this problem for a really long time now and finally solved it by myself after several unnerving hours which made me really angry. In my case it was a lack of space on 'C:'. I know, 4GB free disk space isn't that much but I would have liked to be informed by the installation itself instead of diggin in the dark for so many hours(/days!) and installing two extra tools.
Maybe this helps for other users because I nearly broke up with AVG after following all those standard-hints again and again and again. I also was disappointed to reach this 'thread' only by typing the error code 'Event exec_finished' into the google search bar but not when I searched for the problem on the linked AVG-Site. (sorry for bad english)
i am having the same issue here
0xC0070643 Description: Event exec finished
no other antivirus installed
please help
I too have the same problem: Tried following all the different methodss, but with no success.
Removed All previous Anti-Virus Software - check
Run AVG Remover Tool - Check
Tried to instal version from website - Check
etc. etc…
Getting the 0xc0070643 / Event Error Message every time I try install on my Windows 7 Home Pro Machine (64-bit) is infuriating.
Can one of the AVG guru's please forward the instructions to my email address too please? And as the problem is so common, why are you so reluctant to share the solution online?
Wow, look at all the folks with the same problem! I, too, am having this issue but with a different code-ends with D something, not gonna go back and log it all. This is bs, really. I used the AVG uninstall tool as well to no avail. Turned off every other thing like Malwarebytes, nope. Checked for any Norton or other conflicts, nope. So I'll be looking elsewhere for a better antivirus because this is truly bs, folks, with this many people having issues. Avast, here I come…
I'm happy to report the AVG removal tool worked for me.
Has anyone had any success uninstalling AVG Free? I've had all the errors you folks have mentioned and no luck uninstalling with any of the solutions.
I'm beginning to think that Is AVG itself a virus?!? They messed up all my browsers and default search engines. This is so sad.
I really hope there is a fix besides completely wiping my hard drive!
same error 0xC0070643, description: Event exec_finished. I`m trying to install AVG free on my laptop (Windows 10). It had McAfee pre-installed, so I uninstalled it and used MCAfee remover tool (MCPR). I tried everything written in this post, plese, help.
I've been having the same problem when I tried to install the AVG free edition, the error was "AVG Installation Failed" Please answer me if you have the solution to this problem
Thanks Balasubramanian for your answer. I already tried all that and still not installing. The remover cleaned it and after the second failed installation I tried to run again the remover and now it crashed.
Any other ideas? Thanks for your valuable help.
I have the same problem I used avg removal tool but didn't resolve the problem so if you have any solution i would glad to hear it.
Description: Event exec_finished
thank you
FWIW, I have two completely unrelated computers. A Windows 10 machine a few years old and an older Windows 7 64-bit laptop. Both toss up exactly the same error when I've tried to install AVG Free Edition. There is no other anti-virus software on either computer. I tried the AVG removal tool also. Same story. I also tried uninstalling all the older Visual C++ redistributables and put the latest one on, and that made no difference. I suspect this is a massive problem. It's too far fetched and too much of a coincidence for two entirely unrelated PC's with completely different operating systems, to show up exactly the same problem. The only thing they would have in common is that both ran AVG in the past. I suspect only 1 in 1000 people with a problem like this is likely to register on the AVG forums and report the issue, as I have done.
Hello Will,
We understand how something like this can really try your patience. We sincerely apologize for the difficulties you are currently experiencing. Could you please let us know the name of the AVG product you have installed in your pc? so that we are happy to assist you to get your issue fixed.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.