Exceptions and firewall rules

Hi Scott,
We regret the inconvenience and In-order to check with the issue we suggest you to repair the AVG Internet Security. To repair the AVG Internet Security please follow the below steps.
Start->Control panel->Programs(uninstall a program)->Select AVG Protection->Click on change and then repair it.
after these steps please contact us back if the issue persist. We work round the clock.
Thank you.

I am using the paid version of AVG Internet Security with Windows 8.1.  My exceptions and firewall rules have all vanished after the UI update. Is there a way to get them back? Seems like they would be stored on my local hard drive, so hopefully I won't have to re-enter them all.

I have tried going to MENU | SETTINGS | EXCEPTIONS but no exceptions are listed and the ADD button does nothing. Same thing with the firewall rules. Thanks for any help you can offer.

The only anti-virus program ever installed on this computer is AVG.

After following the steps you listed, the install program displayed INSTALLATION FAILURE and reported the error 0xE0010406. But AVG Internet Security is running on my taskbar and reports that my computer is 'fully protected'. The EXCEPTION list is still empty and there are still no firewall rules.

So after the install failure, is my computer protected? And how do I recover the exceptions list and firewall rules?

Hi Scott,
We regret the inconvenience and In-order to check with the issue we suggest you to repair the AVG Internet Security. To repair the AVG Internet Security please follow the below steps.
Start->Control panel->Programs(uninstall a program)->Select AVG Protection->Click on change and then repair it.
after these steps please contact us back if the issue persist. We work round the clock.
Thank you.

  1. Click CONTINUE to agree with AVG’s license agreement and privacy policy.
    11. Select the installed version of AVG.
    12. Click Remove, then click Restart to restart your PC.
    13. After restart click Run in the Open file – Security Warning dialog and allow AVG Remover to remove any residual files.
    14. Restart your PC again.
    15. Once uninstalled, install AVG Internet Security again. Download and install it from http://files-download.avg.com/inst/mp/AVG_Internet_Security_1930.exe

    Hope these steps will resolve your issue.
    Thank you.