Fail to load windows library mxsml3.dll

Hi Rodrigo,
For help on this issue please try refer to this question (

On AVG tuneup, originally I had a message that there were 14 problems to repair. When I open the equipment performance and started, it will quit and display a message (fail to load windows library msxml3.dll). For an unrelated cause, when I started windows again, the screen began to flash and could not do anything or open any program. Windows sugested to REFRESH it, and I did. However,  in the process unloaded all programs and kept only windows realated apps and programs. In other words it reloaded Win 8.1. I have reloaded AVG, and the message before changed to 11 problems, but the failure remains. Is it windows realted or AVG

Hi Rodrigo,
For help on this issue please try refer to this question (