Failed to Install and Activate AVG TuneUp

I have recently been automatically invoiced and have paid for a new 1 year AVG TuneUp subscription. I already have AVG Internet SAecurity enabled.On my account page there is an option to Install and Activate, but each time I attempt it, I get a separate box that runs for several seconds and then returns a "Failed" message.

Any ideas why?


The subscription renewal email, for AVG TuneUp did not supply a separate activation code.
Also I get options from AVG Internet security, whilst scanning to get a licence for AVG TuneUp, which is ironic as I have pad for the service!

Hi David,

We will help you to install and activate the program

The activation key is same for both the products.

We have sent you an email to your registered email address.

Please check for the email and install the program.