Hello Kevin. I believe you have installed AVG PC Tune up in your system. I request you to click the optimize tab in the dashboard. Then please select disable programs and un-check the word files. Then Please try to open the word files. i hope your issue will be fixed. Please do contact us again if the issue persist. Thank you.
Today a problem has started on my PC when I try to open downloaded Word files. An error message appears from AVG PC Tune Up \ ProgramDeactivator.exe saying "
To the best of my knowledge I haven't changed anything since yesterday.
Why is this happening, and how can I get to the files?
To the best of my knowledge I haven't changed anything since yesterday.
Why is this happening, and how can I get to the files?
Hello Kevin. I have sent you an e-mail, please follow the instructions in the e-mail and get connected with our Technical Support. Our Technicians will resolve your issue for sure. Thank you.
Hello Kevin. I believe you have installed AVG PC Tune up in your system. I request you to click the optimize tab in the dashboard. Then please select disable programs and un-check the word files. Then Please try to open the word files. i hope your issue will be fixed. Please do contact us again if the issue persist. Thank you.