Fake Email message will not remove

Hello Jay,
We understand how something like this can really try your patience.
Cold you please let us know the name of the AVG product you have installed in your pc? also provide us the screenshot http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot of the issue, so that we are happy to assist you better.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.

This morning i have an email message in my in box from My own email account but with Admin the the beginning. i have never used this, avg cant shred it, as it don't have the permissions.i have also
tried this


1.) Go into C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Local Folders (note that the directory is hidden by default) and find/delete the message directly be looking for the matching date/time stamp.
I've located the message but it says i don't have the permissions to delete, i have checked my permission and i have full permission.
any help please

Hello Jay,
We understand how something like this can really try your patience.
Cold you please let us know the name of the AVG product you have installed in your pc? also provide us the screenshot http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot of the issue, so that we are happy to assist you better.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Thank you.