Kevin, In future please refrain from carrying out multiple postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!.
AVG Guru
Hello Kevin,
You can find answer to your question together with your another post here . Please try keep whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up resolution. Thank you.
I logged a tech support request but want to put this out here so that maybe someone can help or at least others can search and see the problem.
Installed AVG antivirus about 4 days ago. No problems until this morning I went to run thinkorswim (TDAmeritrade's trading platform) and AVG flagged it as a threat and quarantined the programs. It did the same thing when I tried to run Schwab's trading platform StreetSmartEdge. When I restored the quarantined files StreetSmartEdge seems to be working fine but thinkorswim produced an error and would not run. I reinstalled thinkorswim and again AVG flagged it as a threat and when I tried to create an exception AVG failed to create the exception and thinkorswim is just hanging and I can't get it to run.
This is a huge problem is AVG can't allow valid programs to operate.
Any ideas? Thanks.
That's okay Kevin, thank you for understanding.
We have support as level one and two and senior level.
Level one is available for both technical support and here in community.
If the level one couldn't fix any issue they will escalate it our senior level team.
This is how AVG support protocol works.
Hello Kevin,
You can find answer to your question together with your another post here . Please try keep whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up resolution. Thank you.
Hi Alan. I'm 99% sure I didn't log a duplicate thread in the community. That said, I did log a case through the tech support channel on the website and then log a request here in the community. Most organizations keep tech support (i.e. for employees) and the communities (i.e. superusers) separate but if AVG lumps them both together then I'll know for next time.